November 2015
Edward Wong, Hon. Secretary
Dear Members,
Activities Update
1) SWAS Registry of Complementary Therapists
The EXCO is pleased to report the following event and invite your participation and support.
The SWAS Registry is designed to help consumers identify the therapists who have relevant qualifications and competencies to perform treatments they are interested in. The proto-type SRCT is available for your preview at the following link:
To register yourself and your qualified therapists, please use the following link:
SWAS will launch the SRCT with the support of CASE. President Gloria and Hon. Secretary have met the Executive Director of CASE, Mr. Seah Seng Choon and Assistant Director of CaseTrust, Mr. Lee Lup Poon to discuss how SRCT may better protect consumers by facilitating them verify competencies of therapists and/or the service providers before purchase. CASE has pledged their support in requiring all CaseTrusted Wellness business entities to have their qualified therapists register on SRCT.
As SWAS members, you are given first priority to register your qualifications and be recognized as Registered Therapists. SWAS and CASE will announce, the launch of the SWAS Registry, to the Press in January 2016. We do expect consumers to check the registry, if their therapists are qualified, after the announcements. Please make sure you are registered before end of November in order to be listed on the registry before we launch.
The Police Licensing and Regulatory Department invited President Gloria to a forum to better understand how to improve on the Massage Licensing Criteria, especially for Cat I MEs. President Gloria and VP Arti attended the meeting.
PLRD want to know if the existing criteria for Cat I MEs are adequate, including the capital outlay and if the actual setup costs and capital requirement of Cat I MEs actually exceed the minimum of $50,000. PLRD also wanted to understand current training situation in MEs and how many MEs should a therapist be allowed to register with; as well as the facilities that a ME should have, duration of lease and operating hours, especially why certain MEs provide night service.
The 19th APHCA Olympics was held in Taipei from 10th -11th November 2015. SWAS sent a team from Shunji Matsuo Salon lead by Council Member Huang YaoQuan who represented SWAS during the event. OUR TEAM WON a prize!
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