Register Beauty & Wellness Therapists

Mr. Edward Wong is the Honorary Secretary of Specialists in Wellness Association of Singapore. He is also the Principal of EdeS Academy and CEO of EdeS Spa.   Register Beauty & Wellness Therapists A step towards professionalism and higher accountability.  ...

SWAS Organises its Inaugural Hair Competition

PRESS RELEASE (Singapore, 20 December 2012) Spa and Wellness Association Singapore (SWAS) is proud to announce the Inaugural SWAS Hair Competition 2013 on 26th & 27th February 2013. The hair competition will take place in conjunction with Beauty Asia 2013, the...

SWAS Industry Upgrading Project

PRESS RELEASE (Singapore, 20 October 2012) The Beauty, Hair, Spa and Wellness industry has been undergoing tremendous changes and challenges in these recent years. The Spa & Wellness Association Singapore has been working tirelessly on reviving consumer’s...