SWAS Prosperity Networking Lunch
Date: 26 February 201 (11:30pm – 2:00pm)
Venue: Singapore Flyer @ VIP Lounge
On 26 February 2010 SWAS held our first networking event of 2010. This event was held at Singapore Flyer’s VIP lounge and was attended by some 50 members. The event kicked off to a rousing start with the traditional CNY Lo-Hei. After lunch, the members were treated to two presentations :
What To Expect In 2010 and Forecast of the Twelve Horoscope in the New Year
By Fengshui Master Adelina Pang
High Tech & High Touch Using CRM/POS
(Increasing Profits and Builing Client Relationships)
By Mr Roland Tan, Beau-Tec Pte Ltd